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ORSEA Conference Themes and Sub-Themes


Due to COVID-19, there were no conferences from 2020 to 2023

16. Sixteenth Conference (2024)

Theme: Innovation and Insights in Operation Research for Resilience and Sustainability

Dates: November 21 to 22, 2024

Location: Dar-es-Salaam – Tanzania

Host: University of Dar-es-Salaam Business School


  1. Supply Chain Optimization
  2. Data Analytics and Operations Research
  3. Healthcare Operations Management
  4. Smart Cities and Urban Operations
  5. Risk Management and Resilience
  6. Industry 4.0 and Operations Management
  7. Industrialization and Regional Trade
  8. Future of Human Resource Capital
  9. Transportation and Logistics Management
  10. Sustainability of Small-scale Entrepreneurship
  11. Environment and Climate Change Management
  12. Enabling Policy and Legal Framework
  13. Doctoral Colloquium on Future of Operations Research

15. Fifteenth Conference (2019)

Theme: Promotion of an Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization in Eastern Africa: Application of Operations Research

Dates: October 16 to 17 2019

Location: Kampala - Uganda

Host: Makerere University Business School


  1. Industrialization and Regional Trade
  2. Development of Human Resource Capital
  3. Supply Chain Management
  4. Quality and Productivity
  5. Transportation and Logistics Management
  6. Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
  7. ICT Innovations and Applications
  8. Financial Services Platform
  9. Small-Scale Entrepreneurship and Business Management
  10. Environment and Climate Change
  11. Policy and Legal Framework
  12. Doctoral Colloquium on 'Cutting Edge' in Operations Research

14. Fourteenth Conference (2018)

Theme: Operations Research and Enterprises Innovativeness in Emerging Markets

Dates: October 1 to 2, 2018

Location: Dar-es-Salaam – Tanzania

Host: Business School – University of Dar-es-Salaam


  1. Management and mobility of resources (entrepreneurship, labor, land, capital, etc) in enhancing innovation
  2. Innovative models of financial inclusion and enterprises financing
  3. New innovative models of resources utilization among enterprises
  4. Value/supply chains (agriculture, mining food security, tourism, raw materials, etc.) for inclusion and enterprises growth
  5. Logistics in healthcare management
  6. Application of Operations Research in addressing technology transfer for sustainable enterprises
  7. Innovative models of marketing enterprises in emerging markets
  8. Social media and innovativeness among enterprises
  9. Cross cutting issues (contemporary issues in innovation and enterprises growth, humanitarian logistics, etc.)
  10. Doctoral colloquium

13. Thirteenth Conference (2017)

Theme: The Role of Business Analytics in Public and Private Sector Management

Dates: 22 to 23 March 2017

Location: Nairobi - Kenya

Host: School of Business School – University of Nairobi


  1. Management and mobility of resources (entrepreneurship, labor, land, capital, etc) in enhancing innovation
  2. Innovative models of financial inclusion and enterprises financing
  3. New innovative models of resources utilization among enterprises
  4. Value/supply chains (agriculture, mining food security, tourism, raw materials, etc.) for inclusion and enterprises growth
  5. Logistics in healthcare management
  6. Application of Operations Research in addressing technology transfer for sustainable enterprises
  7. Innovative models of marketing enterprises in emerging markets
  8. Social media and innovativeness among enterprises
  9. Cross cutting issues (contemporary issues in innovation and enterprises growth, humanitarian logistics, etc.)
  10. Doctoral colloquium

12. Twelfth Conference (2016)

Theme: Operations Research and Information and Communications Technology

Dates: October 20 to 21 2016

Location: Kampala - Uganda

Host: Makerere University Business School


  1. Information Systems and E-Business
  2. Information and Communication Technologies for Development
  3. E-Logistics, Transportation, Operations and Supply Chain Management
  4. Operations Research and Information and Communications Technology in Economic Development
  5. E-Accounting, Finance and Investment
  6. E-Human Resources Management
  7. Operations Research and Information and Communications Technology in Entrepreneurship and Small Business
  8. Operations Research and Information and Communications Technology in Informal Sector
  9. Operations Research and Information and Communications Technology in Political Institutions
  10. E-Governance and Leadership
  11. E-Marketing Management
  12. Public Sector and E-Health Care Management

11. Eleventh Conference (2015)

Theme: Operations Research and Enterprises Innovativeness in Emerging Markets

Dates: October 1 to 2, 2015

Location: Dar-es-Salaam – Tanzania

Host: Business School – University of Dar-es-Salaam


  1. Management and mobility of resources (entrepreneurship, labor, land, capital, etc) in enhancing innovation
  2. Innovative models of financial inclusion and enterprises financing
  3. New innovative models of resources utilization among enterprises
  4. Value/supply chains (agriculture, mining food security, tourism, raw materials, etc.) for inclusion and enterprises growth
  5. Logistics in healthcare management
  6. Application of Operations Research in addressing technology transfer for sustainable enterprises
  7. Innovative models of marketing enterprises in emerging markets
  8. Social media and innovativeness among enterprises
  9. Cross cutting issues (contemporary issues in innovation and enterprises growth, humanitarian logistics, etc.)
  10. Doctoral colloquium

10. Tenth Conference (2014)

Theme: Reflections, Applications and Potential of OR

Dates: October 16 to 18, 2014

Location: Nairobi – Kenya

Host: School of Business – University of Nairobi


  1. Major breakthroughs in OR research and application
  2. Challenges and opportunities of applying OR in Africa
  3. OR and economic transformation and development
  4. OR and wealth creation
  5. OR and globalization
  6. OR and public, private partnerships
  7. OR and regional integration challenges
  8. OR and entrepreneurship and innovation

9. Ninth Conference (2013)

Theme: Application of Operations Research in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Dates: October 17 to 18, 2013

Location: Kampala – Uganda

Host: Makerere University Business School – Uganda


  1. Operations Research (OR) on Small and Medium Enterprises
  2. OR on Technological Innovations
  3. OR and Social Entrepreneurship
  4. OR on Agriculture Entrepreneurship
  5. OR Governance Innovations
  6. OR Entrepreneurship and Innovation Case Studies
  7. OR in Financial Systems Innovations
  8. OR in Service Delivery Innovations

8. Eighth Conference (2012)

Theme: Role of Operations Research in Addressing the Socio-Economic Challenges for Effective Regional Integration

Dates: October 25 to 26, 2012

Location: Dar-es-Salaam – Tanzania

Host: Business School – University of Dar-es-Salaam


  1. Regional trade and development.
  2. Management and mobility of resources (entrepreneurs, labor, land and projects).
  3. Regional financial integration (markets, currency).
  4. Optimization of regional infrastructure and utilities (rail, road, ports, airports).
  5. Optimizations of value chains (energy, health, education, tourism and agriculture).
  6. Application of OR in addressing regional security issues.
  7. Management of environment and climate change (water management).
  8. Contemporary issues in OR and regional integrations (modeling in OR).
  9. Invite an OR practitioner to deliver a key note on cutting edge in OR.
  10. Conduct a doctoral colloquium

7. Seventh Conference (2011)

Theme: The Role of OR in the National Visions Within the East African Community and Regional Integration

Dates: 13 and 14th October 2011

Location: Nairobi - Kenya

Host: School of Business – University of Nairobi


  1. Development of Human Resource Capital
  2. Food Security
  3. Transportation and Logistics Management
  4. Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
  5. ICT Innovations and Applications
  6. Social, Legal, Cultural, and Political dimensions
  7. Financial Services
  8. Tourism and Hospitality Management
  9. Entrepreneurship and Business Management
  10. Environment and Climate Change
  11. Leadership and Governance

6. Sixth Conference (2010)

Theme: Innovation in Operation Research and Economic Transformation

Dates: October 14 to 15, 2010

Location: Makerere – Uganda

Host: Makerere University Business School


  1. Modeling and Resource Optimization
  2. Operations Research Success Stories
  3. Operations Research Methodological Trends
  4. Operations Research Intervention in Business Enterprises
  5. Operations Research in Financial Systems Management
  6. Operations Research in the Service Sector
  7. Operations Research in Poverty Reduction
  8. Operations Research in the Value Chain System
  9. Operations Research in Governance
  10. Operations Research in ICT
  11. Operations Research in Agricultural Production
  12. Operations Research in Law
  13. Operations Research in Human Resource Management
  14. Benefiting from the Regional Common Market through Operations Research

5. Fifth Conference (2009)

Theme: Operations Research in Emerging Economies

Dates: July 16 to 17, 2009

Location: Dar-es-Salaam – Tanzania

Host: Business School – University of Dar-es-Salaam


  1. Supply chain management
  2. Operations Research tools in total quality management
  3. Aggregate planning in the dynamic environment
  4. Labour mobility and human resource planning, demand and supply forecasting
  5. Globalization in competing environment (cultural evolution, pluralism, governance, information and communication technology, contract negotiations)
  6. Foreign direct investment
  7. International accounting systems
  8. Research collaboration
  9. Operations Research and financial markets
  10. Agricultural produce and world trade
  11. Outsourcing operations
  12. Global contract negotiations

4. Fourth Conference (2008)

Theme: The Role of Operations Research in Public and Private Sector Management

Dates: October 23 to 24, 2008

Location: Nairobi - Kenya

Host: School of Business – University of Nairobi


  1. Health Care Management
  2. Urban Transportation Management
  3. Security/Conflict Management
  4. Education Management
  5. Environment and Natural Resources Management
  6. Financial Services Management
  7. Agriculture and Veterinary Services Management
  8. Infrastructure Development
  9. Disaster Management
  10. Operations Management and Supply Chain Management
  11. Software/Modelware for OR

3. Third Conference (2006)

Theme: Application of Operations Research in Economic Development and Poverty Reduction

Dates: August 4 to 6, 2006

Location: Entebbe – Uganda

Host: Makerere University Business School


  1. Resource Optimization
  2. Modeling and Experiences in Infrastructural Planning and Development
  3. Intervention in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  4. Financial System Development
  5. Risk Management
  6. Quality Improvement in the Service Sector: Health, Tourism, and Education
  7. OR in Sustainable Environmental Management: Environmental Degradation, Drought, Waste Management and Pollution
  8. OR and Business Development

2. Second Conference (2004)

Theme: Operations Research/Management Science and the Challenges of Globalization

Dates: November 17 to 19, 2004

Location: Dar-es-Salaam - Tanzania

Host: Business School – Dar-es-Salaam


  1. Software Development and Applications in OR/MS
  2. OR/MS Effective Performance Measurement and Management
  3. OR/MS Potentials for Poverty Eradication
  4. OR/MS Challenges of Development in the African Context
  5. OR/MS Applications in Business Management
  6. OR/MS and Information Management in Developing Countries
  7. OR/MS for Human Resource Management and Globalization
  8. Recent Development in OR/MS
  9. OR/MS in the Management of HIV/AIDS Programmes

1. First Conference (2003)

Theme: Applications of Operations Research/Management Science in Development and the Potentials for Africa

Dates: September 17 to 19, 2003

Location: Nairobi - Kenya

Host: School of Business – University of Nairobi


  1. Development and Operations Research
  2. Decision Theory
  3. Simulation and Modeling
  4. ICT-Networks and Small and Medium Enterprises
  5. Action Research and OR
  6. Applications of Operations Research in the Public Sector
  7. Operations and Productivity Management

Makerere University Business School

University of Dar-es-Salaam Business School(UDBS)

University of Nairobi

Faculty of Business and Management Sciences

Makerere University Business School

University of Dar-es-Salaam Business School(UDBS)

University of Nairobi

Faculty of Business and Management Sciences
